We look forward to welcoming all of our skaters and their families to another great season with the New Hamburg Skating Club!
If you have any questions related to the policies & procedures listed below, please reach out to us at info@newhamburgskating.com
The New Hamburg Skating Club strives to ensure our programs are offered in a safe and positive training environment for all skaters and Coaches. We need to all work together to ensure this goal!
Members registered in our figure skating programs are expected to abide by the following:
- Food or chewing gum is not permitted on the ice. All beverages must be in a spill-proof, non-breakable container and placed on the boards of the ice surface.
- Skaters are required to wear proper training attire during on and off ice sessions. Attire such as skating dresses/skirts with tights, skating pants, athletic leggings, short/long sleeve shirts, skating or athletic jackets. Hoodies, bulky sweaters/jackets are not permitted as they negatively effect the performance of on ice skills. Clothing should be form fitting or close to, in order for Coaches to see body lines for proper execution of technique. Gloves are recommended over mittens to allow for more articulation of the hands and fingers. Long hair must be tied back to ensure safety. All skaters are expected to dress in an appropriate manner while representing the NHSC.
- When skaters are not in a lesson, they are expected to practice what they have learned, as repetition and training muscle memory is a large part of acquiring and mastering elements in skating. Skaters are encouraged to work with their peers to promote comradery and a supportive training environment, but are not permitted to stand on the ice and talk during sessions.
- Adhere to the posted session schedule. Skills should be practiced during skill time, dance during dance time and freeskate/artistic during freeskate time. The only exception to this is when a skater is in a lesson with a Coach.
- Skaters and Coaches are asked to respect other skaters who are receiving instruction from their Coach. Do not interrupt lessons unless it is absolutely necessary.
- Be prepared, and on time for your session. Make sure you have used the washroom if needed and have all your items needed for rink side before coming onto the ice. Once the session has begin, skaters under the age of 18 are not permitted to leave the ice unless it is absolutely necessary and only once a Coach has acknowledged.
- Parents are responsible for the behaviour of their skater during all skating sessions. Skaters under the age of 12 must have a parent/guardian (designated adult) present at the arena while the skater is on the ice.
- We strongly encourage parents/guardians who have questions for our Group Coaches, or their skater's Base Coach to refrain from interrupting the session/skaters lessons (unless necessary) to ensure we keep a focused training environment. Most of the Coaches can be reached before or after the session, by email/phone, or if you have general session questions, please send us an email.
- Skaters on the STAR 4+ session are permitted to use the video function on their cell phone for training purposes only in order to analyze and make corrections on skating elements.
- We always love new music suggestions for the NHSC Spotify playlist! If you have any ideas, please send them to info@newhamburgskating.com and we can add it to our list!
- Skaters and parents representing the NHSC at any event or competition, are expected to conduct themselves in an acceptable, responsible and, sportsmanlike manner.
- After falling on the ice, get up quickly (unless seriously injured) to ensure the safety of other skaters on the session.
- Skaters must respect the right of way of their peers and other Coaches - 1st - Skaters with solo or dance music on, 2nd - Skaters in a lesson with a Coach, 3rd - All other skaters on the session
- During stroking, faster skaters are to keep to the outside of the ice surface, and slower skaters to the inside.
- Unless part of your solo, spins are to be practiced in the centre of the ice and jumps in the ends
- Skaters are expected to respect all areas of the facility and dressing rooms need to be left clean and clear of all debris.
- Be courteous to and respectful of coaches, board members, other parents and
skaters - The use foul language or profanity is unacceptable
- All refunds must be submitted in writing to info@newhamburgskating.com and are subject to a $20 administration fee, Skate Canada insurance fee, and fees for session days that have run.
- Refunds will not be given two weeks after the start of each session programming, without supporting medical documentation*
If the Wilmot Recreation Complex is closed due to inclement weather, we will notify you by email as soon as we are made aware by the Township of Wilmot. Should the rink be open and programs are running during inclement weather, please use your personal discretion on whether it is safe for you to travel to the rink. For Saturday sessions, if coaches are unable to travel to the rink safely, an email and social media post will go out by 6am. Weeknight cancellations very seldom happen even if schools are closed. By the evening, roads have been plowed and the rink will be open.