The NHSC contracts coaches who are committed to excellence at all levels; inspiring, guiding and encouraging athletes to reach their full potential in a safe and positive training environment.
Our coaches are members of the National Sport Organization, Skate Canada, and are trained through the Coaching Association of Canada's flagship National Coach Certification Program (NCCP). Aligned with the Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model, our coaches receive professional and sport specific training to deliver appropriate level programming for their athletes.
Coaches must fulfill the following requirements to be considered "in good-standing" and therefore eligible to coach in a Skate Canada Club:
- Valid First Aid Certificate
- Valid background screening
- Completion of the "Respect in Sport Activity Leader Training" (Coaches must recertify in this training every 3 years)
- Compliance with the NCCP "Maintenance of Certification" program which mandates and promotes on-going and most up to date learning and development
- Agree and comply with the "Skate Canada Code of Ethics", annually
*STAR 1 - 4 & STAR 4+ programs require the skater to hire a Base Coach to guide them in their development within the sport. When hiring a coach, it is important to consider cost, availability, and qualifications. It is also important to have a coach that the skater feels comfortable with and that the parent feels understands the trajectory and goals of the skater. The coach and skaters should have a mutual respect for each other. A good coach will be interested in the skater's development as a person as well as a skater.
Based on the information above, please see our coaches below and reach out to them directly to arrange lessons.
Base Coaches: Coaches who are contracted each season by the NHSC to teach NHSC members. Base Coaches are eligible to accept new skaters.
Support Coaches: Coaches who are contacted by the Base Coach for lessons. Support Coaches do not accept NHSC skaters of their own, but rather conduct lessons in partnership with the Base Coach.
Group Coaches: Coaches who are contracted each season by the NHSC to teach on Group Programs such as Intro to Figure Skating, PreCanSkate, CanSkate and Power Skating.

Kirstie Baltus
Base & Group Coach
(PreCanSkate, CanSkate, Intro, STAR 1-4 & STAR 4+)

Aiden Dotzert
Support & Group Coach
(PreCanSkate, CanSkate, Intro, STAR 1-4 & STAR 4+)